I just found out that Conor made it into the Obedience Finals at the ASCA Nationals!!!! I got the e-mail and had to read it over, and over, and over, and over! I looked at every single letter to make sure I saw this: Vickie,
You and your dog did make it in. Congrats and see you in CO! There is not a "not" in that first sentance, and there is a "Congrats" in the second sentance!!!!! YAY!!!!! I've been wanting this since I made the decision to accomplish this goal since January. All the practicing and praying paid off. This goes to show if you want something bad enough and go for it with all your heart, you can accomplish anything. Now I have to wait for the end of September. But at least this will be a fun wait - not the waiting for the unknown I've been doing since our last trial back in May. Colorado watch out - here we come!
You and your dog did make it in. Congrats and see you in CO! There is not a "not" in that first sentance, and there is a "Congrats" in the second sentance!!!!! YAY!!!!! I've been wanting this since I made the decision to accomplish this goal since January. All the practicing and praying paid off. This goes to show if you want something bad enough and go for it with all your heart, you can accomplish anything. Now I have to wait for the end of September. But at least this will be a fun wait - not the waiting for the unknown I've been doing since our last trial back in May. Colorado watch out - here we come!
All the practicing and praying paid off. This goes to show if you want something bad enough and go for it with all your heart, you can accomplish anything." Huh. Tell that to the Amazing Race people. ;-{
I think what it goes to show is that if Vickie wants something bad enough...Vickie gets it! CONGRATS!!
You'll get on the Amazing Race some day, I just know it. You have to. It may be the Senior Citizen Amazing Race, but I know eventually you'll get it!
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