The 2010 Arizona Wags for Wishes has come and gone. What a great time we had though. The show started on Thursday, New Year's Eve. We started at 6 p.m. and I was finished by 9:30 p.m., in time to get home, take a little nap and then wake up to bring the new year in. Kaylie Q'd in her Excellent Jumpers run and Conor Q'd and got 1st Place in his Open Jumpers run. Conor Q'd in his Open Standard run and Kaylie NQ'd in her Excellent Standard run. On Friday, New Year's Day, Kaylie didn't Q in either run, and Conor Q'd in his Open Jumpers run, finishing his Open Jumpers title. I decided to move him up to Excellent for the remainder of the trial. Saturday and Sunday were absolutely crazy, because I also had Conor in Rally. We're working on his RAE, so he had to do both an Excellent and an Advanced run. I was constantly running back and forth between the agility rings and the rally ring, trying to keep track of where things were. Conor ended up Q'ing in his Open Standard run with a 4th place on Saturday, but didn't Q in his Excellent Jumpers run. In Rally, he got 2nd place in Excellent B and 1st place in Advanced B, earning his 5th RAE leg. Kaylie didn't Q in anything on Saturday, although both her runs were awesome - just stupid small mistakes. Sunday started off with Excellent Standard. It was nice to have both dogs in the same class finally. Conor was the very first dog up in the Standard run. For his first time in Excellent, he didn't do too bad. He knock
ed a bar and ran past a jump and flew off the teeter (he was going so darned fast!), but overall I was pleased with the run. Kaylie's Standard run was absolutely gorgeous, and she finally got a Standard Q, and actually placed 4th!! Woooo hoooo!! I was most happy with that Q, because very rarely do we place in the Excellent B classes, especially not at large shows like this one. Unfortunately neither dog Q'd in their Excellent Jumpers runs. Bummer - no Double Q's for Kaylie this weekend. Conor's Rally runs were awesome on Sunday - he got 1st place in Excellent B with a score of 99 and 2nd place in Advanced B with a 99. That makes RAE leg #6. Just 4 more to go. 

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