Kaylie and I are finally half way to our MACH! We got Double Q #10 this past weekend at the Fiesta Cluster. On Friday she only Q'd in Jumpers. Saturday we got to start with Jumpers, my favorite. She ran great, but she had actually slipped after the 3rd jump, so she ran a little tentatively. She actually finished just 3 seconds under time, so that was close! Next was our Standard run. I was glad to see that the grounds had dried up so there was less of a chance of her slipping. We were running along, doing great, hitting all the contacts, hit the weave poles, stayed in the weave poles, and then finally crossed the final jump - a Q!! Yay! Double Q #10. I was on Cloud 9 the rest of the day. I even celebrated with a delicious peach smoothie with whipped cream on top! YUM! Sunday was a very dreary wet d

ay. It was drizzling when we got there, and it didn't let up. Once again we had to
do our Standard run first. We got to the dog walk, and right in front of the end of the dog walk was the tunnel with the wrong end right in front of the dog. You had to pull the dog off to the left to get the right end of the tunnel, and if you pulled too soon you'd probably pull the dog off the dog walk, missing the contact. Well, Kaylie got the contact, along with the wrong end of the tunnel. Bummer. No chance of a Double Q today. It was raining pretty good during our Jumpers run, but she did great and qualified in that. Good doggie! Conor didn't qualify in any of his runs the entire weekend, but each day we did improve. The trial ended up being cancelled on Monday because of all the rain. We got so much rain on Sunday - our set up was completely under water. I was running my friend Terri's dog Chase o

n Sunday because she had to stay home with her older dog who wasn't feeling well. When we got back to our set up, we were surprised to see that everything was under water!!!! OMG!! What a mess. I had no idea we'd have lake front property! Our next AKC trial is in April at the Cardinals' Stadium in Glendale. And this weekend is a DOCNA trial. Kaylie is very close to getting her Silver MEX. We won't finish it this weekend, but perhaps the next DOCNA trial.
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