One word to describe this trial . . . WINDY! It was actually beyond windy. I can't think of a word to describe just how windy it was. We couldn't have our canopies up, so we were just left out to brave the flying tumbleweeds, sand and dirt. Yuck. The tumbleweeds were so bad, I couldn't ev
en get into my van to leave at the end of the trial on Sunday. What a mess. Well, enough of how windy it was. Kaylie and Conor did pretty good despite the bad weather. On Saturday Kaylie qualified in her Elite Jumpers run, one of her Elite Gambler runs and one of her Elite Standard runs, and on Sunday, she qualified in both of her Jumpers runs and one of her Standard runs. I couldn't keep track of the placements of everything because of the weather, but she got all 1st and 2nd places. Conor only qualified in 3 of his Elite Standard runs, but he did get 1st place in all of those. What a good boy. He had a blast in his Jumpers run on Saturday - I think he took 10 extra jumps along the way. He was so enjoying himself taking jumps here and there. But that was his only really crazy run. The rest of his runs he did great but just had a small mistake here and there. Kaylie ended up finishing her Outstanding Elite Jumpers title, and Conor finished his Elite Regular title.

Although the clouds looked really scary, we actually only got a few little sprinkles and a few little snow flakes.
Here are Kaylie and Conor posing in front of a beautiful tumbleweed back drop.
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